Friday, April 30, 2010

this or that?

tea or coffee? Neither!
matte or glossy? Matte!
sweet or salty? Both!
tv or radio? Radio!
morning or evening? Evening!
pencil or pen? Pen!
introvert or extrovert? Introvert!
mountains or beach? Mountains!
spontanious or structured? Structured!
neat or messyNeat!
town or country? Country!
eat in or take out?  Eat out!

I am finishing up my Week in the Life Project tomorrow - at least the evidence collecting part of the process.  Then I have to pick through hundreds of photos and decide how many to use them.  And, what size album to use.  I really want to go with an 8.5 by 11 album, but I can't find any albums that size here.  So, I'll keep thinking about it.  I will post some random bits and pieces tomorrow.  Until then!

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