Sunday, April 25, 2010

Baby Steps...

Enough excuses!  I HAVE to get back on track so I can lose my last 28 pounds to hit my surgeon's goal for me - and my own goal.  I have been plateaued since Christmas, so I have got to get in gear and recognize the bad habits I've fallen back into and the good habits I've been avoiding.  This week my goal is to move more and to observe some portion control.  I can't eat big amounts at one time.  About one and a half slices of pizza is my max.  But I've always been a grazer, which is a huge problem for gastric bypass patients.  I've started walking fairly regularly when the weather is somewhat decent.  But I am going to commit to doing a workout video at least 3-4 times a week in addition to my walks.  I am also going to immediately divide snacks and foods into correct portion sizes  when I bring them home from the grocery store.  I tend to grab a box of cheddar bunnies or some other snack and eat out of the box all day long.  I used to divide those kinds of things into snack bags in their correct portions so I wouldn't be tempted to eat extra, or at least so I would be AWARE of the fact that I was overeating.  For me, being aware is a huge step.  I like to live in a little village called denial.  

So, this week I am going to be logging back into my account daily and tracking my food and exercise.  Hopefully by this time next Sunday I can be down 2-3 pounds.  

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