Friday, April 9, 2010

150 Things You Might Not Know About Me...

1.  I've never dyed my hair.
2.  I love lilacs. 
3.  I own a rifle and love to shoot clay. 
4.  I have had the ability to hyper-focus since I was a child.
5.  I moved over 23 times before I was 18 years old.
6.  I'm a perfectionist.
7.  I love personality tests.  
8.  I am an ISTJ.
9.  I'm a virgo.
10.  I am super organized. 
11.  I plan EVERYTHING.
12.  Books are my spiritual, physical and emotional comfort.
13.  I had a terrible time learning how to read.
14.  I don't write as much as I should. 
15.  I'm not big on tattoos.
16.  I believe in the power of a good old-fashioned handshake. 
17.  I have some obsessive compulsive behaviors. 
18.  I can never find my car keys. 
19.  I'm addicted to COPS, Police Women of Maricopa County, 48 Hours, Dateline ID, and Forensic Files. 
20.  I have a secret dream of being a cop.
21.  But I'm scared of the dark.
22.  I sing songs from Moulin Rouge at the top of my lungs in the shower and in the car.
23.  I am pretty blind without my glasses or contacts. 
24.  I stink at crossword puzzles, but love word searches (the tough ones). 
25.  From August to February, football is my life on Sunday.
26.  I'm not very patient. 
27.  But I don't let it show. 
28.  I make lists.  Lots of lists. 
29.  But then I leave them at home. 
30.  I swear.  A LOT. 
31.  Older men are far more attractive to me then young men.
32.  I really do believe there are no stupid questions. 
33.  Hugh Jackman makes my heart pitter-pat. 
34.  I think it's the Aussie accent. 
35.  I'm also in love with Nicole Kidman.
36.  And Meryl Streep. 
37.  I never hit the snooze button before I met Kyle.
38.  I am most at home in a bookstore. 
39.  I can't stand coffee. 
40.  I am not a breakfast person, even though it's the most important meal.  
41.  I was named after the Rocky movies.  My mom wouldn't allow my dad to name me Rocky so they compromised on Roxann. 
42.  My middle name is Adrian.  No joke. 
43.  I rode in an ambulance in London. 
44.  I was so excited after gastric bypass surgery weight loss when I could finally see my collarbone.  
45.  I can't stand reading Hemingway or Joseph Conrad. 
46.  Elizabeth Bennett is my hero. 
47.  I hate to cook.  
48.  I have had several flames in my kitchen.  And I have no gas appliances. 
49.  The more I learn, the more I realize how much there is to learn and that I will always be pretty darn ignorant. 
50.  I can play the trumpet. 
51.  I sang a lot in high school. 
52.  I've had insomnia since I was about 10 or 11. 
53.  I want a doctoral degree. 
54.  My teachers are my heroes. 
55.  I've googled myself. 
56.  JAWS has convinced me to never swim in the ocean. 
57.  I've never seen the ocean. 
58.  My 4th grade teacher told my parents that I would never amount to anything because I was not world traveled. 
59.  I love Karaoke.
60.  Winters are harder on me than they used to be. I think it is the wind and short days. 
61.  May and June are my favorite months. 
62.  I am a major multi-tasker. 
63.  I hate cartoons -- except Smurfs. 
64.  I hoard journals and note cards.
65.  I will wear capris and sandals from march to november.  
66.  I pump my own gas and park my own car - full service and valet feel weird to me. 
67.  I'm bummed I never got to go to camp as a kid. 
68.  Spiders and clowns freak me out. 
69.  I clip coupons.  Then I forget them. 
70.  I love to make quilts. 
71.  I could live on cheesecake. 
72.  Pineapple on pizza is heaven. 
73.  I have one brother, 13 months younger than me. 
74.  It's truly a miracle that one of us never killed the other. 
75.  I'm always afraid of failure. 
76.  Being around people is incredibly draining for me. 
77.  I journal.
78.  I have a gratitude journal, too. 
79.  Catnaps don't work for me.  My naps tend to be 2 to 3 hours. 
80.  I never dated before I met Kyle. 
81.  I am addicted to pens and notepads.  
82.  Post-its, too!
83.  Education is incredibly important to me. 
84.  The public education system is an  incredible disappointment to me. 
85.  I could be certified to teach, if I wanted to. 
86.  Which means I'm certifiable. Tee hee. 
87.  I take a handful of pills each day.  I hate it. 
88.  I am a night owl. 
89.  If I were rich I would just become a full-time student for life.  
90.  I would love to study at Oxford. 
91.  Chelsea Handler makes me laugh. 
92.  I am passionate about gays being allowed to marry and gay rights. 
93.  I'm a compulsive spender.  
94.  At certain times in the month, it is imperative that I eat chocolate.  Otherwise, there are lives at stake. 
95.  UFO shows drive me nuts. 
96.  As does Monster Quest. 
97.  I read mostly memoirs or bios. 
98.  Tom Cruise makes me sick to my stomach. 
99.  I don't know whether to have kids or not. 
100.  Phone calls make me anxious. 
101.  My wedding dress cost $15 dollars. 
102.  I've never smoked, never done drugs. 
103.  Judy Blume is amazing.
104.  I am passionate about eliminating censorship. 
105.  I am allergic to many perfumes and scented lotions. 
106. I used to eat ice cream by the pints.  Now it makes me sick.
107.  I love alone time.  
108.  I am obsessed with finishing projects. 
109.  I am not good about having multiple projects going at one time. 
110.  Ozzy Osbourne interests me. 
111.  Marilyn Manson freaks me out. 
112.  But not as much as Charles Manson.
113.  I've screamed in my sleep.
114.  When I can't sleep I play Peggle or Peggle Nights. 
115.  I love musicals. 
116.  HBO's Big Love fascinates me. 
117.  I almost always see the twist in the movie before it arrives.
118.  I often wonder if there will ever again be an original plot line in Hollywood.
119.  I don't remember my dreams. 
120.  I'm terrible at learning languages.
121.  I am also horrible at reading piano music.
122.  I play better by ear.
123.  I don't see myself skydiving or bungee jumping.
124.  I love white water rafting.
125.  I am sorry I did not visit the Globe Theater in London.
126.  I want to see Macbeth at the Globe Theater. 
127.  I have nearly every line of Macbeth memorized. 
128.  I hate alcohol.
129.  I function best in the evening. 
130.  Aside from my gastric bypass I have never had stitches or staples.  
131.  I once had a pet pig.
132.  I once won a greased pig contest.
133.  I got glasses in fourth grade.
134.  My favorite body parts are my nose and my little feet (size 5)
135.  I hated high school. 
136.  I loved college. 
137.  I hated grad school.
138.  I've never seen fireflies.
139.  Neil Diamond soothes me.
140.  Adam Sandler annoys me. 
141.  I can't fall asleep unless I am on my right side, pillow between my knees and right arm under my pillow. 
142.  I burn, not tan.
143.  Mythology bores me.
144.  History fascinates me. 
145.  Not big on birds. 
146.  I remember every teacher I ever had. 
147.  I'm 4 foot 11 inches. 
148.  I love sunflower seed bread.  
149.  Hugs are important. 
150.  I try to tell my husband I love him every single day.

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