Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Not only has the wind been utterly atrocious, but my life has been a whirlwind of activity as well.  We hit gusts of 65 mph+ this week.  We're used to wind in this fine state, but it was not a great deal of fun to put up with.  We're all more than ready for Spring. 

I finally got my prints ordered for my Week in the Life project.  I resorted to ordering them from because it was hard to find someone with affordable matte prints locally.  Hard to believe!  They shipped today so I am anxious to get them.  I had a horribly difficult time deciding which ones to get.  I took about five hundred photos over the course of the week.  I have a really hard time picking photos of special people and a certain dog.  

I babysat Daisy (my god-daughter) while her mom decorated for her 4th birthday party, and we worked on a Mother's Day present while I had her.  Then I curled her hair and put her in her party dress and Kyle and I took her to her house for the party.  I also had  a very hard time picking which photos of her to use. 

Nap time!  

Party ready!
Party princess!
Cake time!
 Later that night - Kyle and I with the light of our life!

Then there were the random images.

So once the prints get here and the Ali Edwards Font CD I ordered, I will start putting this all together.  I am currently working on the journaling part of it, but I am super excited to see the fonts on the CD when it gets here.  Once this is all put together, I will scan it and show you.  Originally I was going to compile it in 12x12 scrapbook, which is what I usually use, but I finally decided to go outside of my comfort zone and utilize an 8.5 x 11 inch album, especially so I could use baseball card holders to include pictures and scraps from the week.  I also need to decide how many pages per day I will use.  Lots of decisions to make here!  But the hardest ones are done - which photos to use!

Would love to see others' layouts from the Week in the Life project.  Link me to yours in the comments section!

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