Thursday, April 1, 2010

Potty-Training a Chihuahua...

So Little Pip has been with us almost 2 months and we are not getting anywhere with our potty training.  He has no idea that he is supposed to go in his designated box.  I kept giving him the benefit of the doubt, but frankly, there's only so many times I can run the carpet cleaner each week. 

Thus, Pip's life is about to get pretty unhappy.  I have not crated him since we got him.  He has slept in our bed most of the time he's been here.  But starting tomorrow we are starting the crating process to box train him.  He will spend most of his time in the crate, except to come out to eat and play and potty.  Then back in the crate.

I am a former farm and ranch girl.  I know that crating pets is very common, but it's something I've never done, because our dogs just learned to go outside or lived outside all the time.  I've never had to "jail" my pet. 

I'm incredibly anxious and wracked with guilt.  Pip will probably fare better than I.  I have the reward treats all ready to go.  I have his favorite blanket and his little chew toy already in his new little condo.  Now I just have to build up the courage to follow through.  Because all our lives will be happier when Pip is going potty where he should be. 

I just hope he doesn't hate me for it.


  1. If it worked for Kyle, it can work for Pip :p

  2. House training can be a struggle. I really can't remember how long it took for Maddie and Lincoln to get the hang of it but it is frustrating that is for sure. And it does take several months so don't feel that you are alone. One positive thing, at least your accidents are tiny! Maddie is starting to have a few accidents now and then when I am gone for too long, she is starting to get to that age and I hate it for multiple reasons as I wish they could live forever in good health. Try the every hour on the hour and give treats when he does potty outside and then kennel him at night. Lincoln had to sleep in our shower when he was little before he was trained. And then even after that I was very nervous to let him roam the house if I was in the shower because I would fear that with the size of our house I would never find it before it dried if he did have an accident. So I totally feel your pain! And with that, I just had Deja Vu so I am going to go for now! We are on track girl!
