Monday, April 26, 2010

My Week In the Life...

So I started my Week in the Life project a week late.  Here is a look at some of Sunday.  It was a very quiet and uneventful day.  Sometimes that is good.

Rain Rain Go AWAY

Thank you Kyle for doing the dishes.  
While I clean the bedroom carpet.  
 I love it when there are lovely clean carpets. 

Mmmm Honey and peanut butter sammich for dinner. 

Hopefully Monday will be more exciting.


  1. hey roxan! the bag you were asking about is from Coach- I got it on my trip to Key West :-)
    I am going to have to give that peanut butter and honey sandwich a try, sounds delicious!

  2. I love it. Soooo pretty. The peanut butter and honey sammich is delicious, but you have to mix them before you spread them, or else the honey makes the bread weird. :)
