Thursday, April 22, 2010

What's Your Comfort?

We all have our own comforts - those favorite songs, movies, foods, books, people, shows, shoes, outfits, blankets and other miscellaneous odds and ends that soothe us in the midst of our chaotic lives.  We all have different reasons for why we choose those things that comfort us.  Maybe they bring back good memories.  Maybe they are completely free of memories and therefore have no connotations.  Maybe they remind us of a time in our lives when it was simpler and less confusing.  Whatever the reason, our comforts are a huge component of who we are.  

A great many bloggers and scrapbookers are participating this week in Ali Edward's Week in the Life Project.  I haven't started mine this week due to too much going on. Instead, I will start mine on Sunday.  However, I thought tonight about comforts and decided I will document my comforts in my scrapbook because they paint a picture of who I am.  

This topic of comforts came to me this morning as I drove to a friend's house in the pouring rain.  The fog was thick, the day was dark, and my mood mimicked both.  I was suddenly filled with a yearning for a chocolate glazed doughnut.  Not the cake kind, the raised kind.  And one with pretty, happy sprinkles.  I know my friend loves glazed doughnuts.  I figured I could spring for two doughnuts.  I hate turning to food for comfort, because I have a history of turning to food for comfort far too often.  Yet, once in awhile, I throw caution to the wind and go with my yearning.  I detoured to Albertson's and purchased two gorgeous doughnuts.    I haven't had a doughnut in I don't know how long.  And in all honesty, it really didn't taste that great once I had it.  The idea was more comforting than the actual treat.  However, I did feel a little satisfaction that I was able to have something I wanted.  I hate feeling deprived.  But I also started to think about the other things I turn to for comfort, because I don't always want it to be about food.  And clearly, not all of the comforts that used to comfort still come through in the same way for me.  Food simply doesn't taste as good as it used to.  

So here are some of my other comforts:


Now, those aren't real pics of the comforts, obviously, but TOMORROW I plan on taking real pics of as many of my comforts as I can and then printing the pics and scrapbooking them.  Then I will post pics of the scrapbooked pages on my blog.  I saved the best two comforts for last.  Nothing else compares to the warmth these two bring to my heart.

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