Thursday, November 15, 2012

Christmas Tree Paper Chain...

I wrote yesterday that I've been working on a paper chain for my Christmas tree.  I'm not quite into the Christmas mindset yet but because I usually get my tree from my parents the day after Thanksgiving, I have to get my decorations ready for it.  Because Thanksgiving is so early this year, that means I have to get motivated even sooner.  

Thanks to Pinterest, I've had several ideas for new decorations to incorporate this year.  I saw a paper chain made of paper with music printed on it and I just adored it. I like an old-fashioned feel to my Christmas tree, so I knew that a chain would be the perfect addition to my tree.  

We are paying for all of Christmas with cash this year.  No credit cards, no pay later.  I feel awesome about making it through the holidays without the fun of January debt.  It does mean that I have to be more thoughtful in my spending, though.  I am trying to use supplies for the holidays that I already have.  I knew I didn't have any scrapbooking paper with music on it.  I have a great deal of Christmas prints, and I was tempted to use them, but I really loved the look of the music.  I thought I might have to splurge on some music paper, but then I remembered an old hymnal I've carried around since high school.  It hasn't any special meaning, I just liked it.  So I gathered the hymnal, my tiny stapler and a paper cutter and got to work. 

I went through the hymnal and pulled out the Christmas songs first.  
This is an old book, and there weren't many in there.  So after I pulled out the Christmas songs I just randomly pulled sheets from the hymnal.  Then I cut them into strips that were 1" by 5.5".  
 Then using my Tiny Attacher I started my chain.  
I don't know how many links I made.  A lot, because my dad picks out trees the size of the Grizwald's Family Christmas Tree.  For now, my paper chain is sitting in a pretty basket.  I have a few pages left of my hymnal, so I think I'll make a few more links.  I can easily shorten it if needed but it's harder to add on. 
I love, love, love the way this turned out and I can't wait to see if on the Christmas tree.  I'll follow up with a picture of it on the tree in all it's glory in a couple weeks. 

Let me say, too, that this is the second Pinterest inspired project that I've done this year that incorporated me having to dismantle a book (remember this project?), and it doesn't get any easier!  Something inside me nearly bursts during those first few moments of ripping out pages.  But both projects have turned out lovely, and I'm starting to sense a new addiction!

What are you working on for Thanksgiving or Christmas?

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