Sunday, October 24, 2010

Part I: To Become Parents or Not to Become Parents...

This post will be the first in a 3-post series about my reflections on whether or not Kyle and I should become parents.  The decision of whether to have kids or not is often weighed too lightly by many people.  It is a huge decision that has not been easy for me. It's a highly personal decision, as well, and I don't allow others' beliefs about whether or not to have children should influence my decision unless I deem their thoughts to be valuable advice for my consideration.  What works for one couple doesn't always work for others, and sometimes special considerations are involved that others may not realize factor into the decision.  

Today's post lists the reasons I have come up with for having children.  Tomorrow's list will showcase those reasons that make me think twice about whether or not to have kids.  Tuesday's post will sum up my reflection on having kids and whether or not parenting is for me (or, for us).

Here is my list of reasons why I would like to have kids, in no particular order:
  • I want to experience pregnancy and the sensation of having another life inside me. 
  • Parenting would give me a greater sense of purpose. 
  • I would love to see Kyle as a dad because I know he'd make an incredible father. 
  • I want to know what it's like to bring another life into the world. 
  • I want to experience childhood again through the eyes of my own child. 
  • I want to take my kids on fun vacations to Disney and other awesome kid places.
  • Holidays are more exciting and meaningful sometimes when witnessed through the eyes of children. 
  • I want to see my parents as grandparents. 
  • I want to give my brother a niece or a nephew. 
  • Parenting would give me a focus outside myself. 
  • It would be nice to have family when Kyle and I are older. 
  • I would have a part of Kyle if anything ever happened to him. 
  • I would get to see myself in my children.
  • I would get to see Kyle in our children. 
  • I constantly think about babies and fantasize about sniffing their wee little heads.  (Is this too weird?)
  • The excitement and anticipation of a pregnancy is comparable to few other events in life. 
  • I would love to see what perspective my kids have on the world.
  • I know Kyle would be an awesome partner in parenting and would give me the time I need to take care of myself so I can be a better mom.  
  • The joys of milestones (first steps, words, holidays, etc).
  • Seeing how our definitions of life events and our lifestyle in general changes.  For example, a new meaning to "peace and quiet, date night, weekends, etc".  
Leave a comment below with the one or two most important reasons you think exist for becoming parents!


    1. And raising them with Jerri's kids! And not Jerry Lewis! Nick and I were just talking last night about Disney vacations around 6/7ish. We could all go together!!! Btw.... I still think you guys would make fabulous parents.

    2. Being a mom is the most rewarding and difficult thing you can do. Just be prepared for the fact that any pain your child experiences is far more excruciating than if you experienced it yourself. And please, please, please, if you decide to have a child, PARENT the child, don't leave your parenting to a daycare worker being paid minimum wage, to whom your child is nothing more than the means to a paycheck. Children deserve to be parented full-time by someone who is fully invested in their well-being and their future.
