Thursday, October 14, 2010

100 Simple Pleasures...

After the heaviness of the last post I thought I would look on the bright side with this post of 100 of my favorite simple pleasures.
  1. Sleeping in on a rainy, snowy or cold and cloudy day.
  2. The way I feel after a good workout.
  3. Putting the heating pad at the foot of the bed or turning on the electric blanket to let it warm the bed before crawling between the sheets. 
  4. A real letter in the mail - especially one with stickers or fun decorations. 
  5. Spending the afternoon reading a stack of favorite magazines. 
  6. Hitting only green lights on my way home from work. 
  7. Someone remembering me or recognizing who I am. 
  8. Getting a parking spot close to the door when I'm in a hurry. 
  9. The smell of rain. 
  10. The first spring thunderstorm when I am cozy in bed and curled up with Kyle.
  11. A favorite sweatshirt or sweater and jeans. 
  12. Anything lavender. 
  13. The sweet scent of lilacs.
  14. The comforting scent of baking bread. 
  15. The first bite of a slice of cheesecake. 
  16. The feel of the sun on my face. 
  17. A slight breeze on a hot night. 
  18. Holding hands with Kyle.
  19. Freshly washed bedding - especially if I can sleep in the next day. 
  20. Chapstick.
  21. Knowing I can stay home on a cloudy, rainy or snowy day.
  22. Football games. 
  23. Snuggles with my hubby. 
  24. Snuggles with my puppy. 
  25. Friendship.
  26. Understanding another without saying a word.
  27. The scent of a bookstore. 
  28. Cracking the spine on a new book.
  29. A brand new purple pen. 
  30. A new notebook to write in. 
  31. New journals. 
  32. Wearing a favorite outfit.
  33. Cute shoes at a bargain price.
  34. Feeling pretty.
  35. Helping others. 
  36. Making cookies. 
  37. The repetitive task of folding, hanging and putting fresh clothes away. 
  38. Knowing you have nowhere to be. 
  39. Paying the bills. 
  40. Giving a gift.
  41. Planning to do something warm for someone.
  42. Writing lists. 
  43. Finding anything hedgehog.
  44. Harmless secrets. 
  45. Ignoring gossip.
  46. Watching water run down a creek or river.
  47. Throwing rocks into water. 
  48. Breathing in fresh air.
  49. Hearing a favorite song on the radio.
  50. Singing along at the top of my lungs. 
  51. Fresh bathmats in the bathroom. 
  52. An afternoon nap. 
  53. Finding a bargain. 
  54. Sunday oatmeal.
  55. Watching football while snuggling under a blanket on the couch with Kyle. 
  56. Riding my bike and feeling like a kid again. 
  57. Being read to by my hubby. 
  58. Reading to my hubby. 
  59. Scrapbooking memories. 
  60. Making memories.
  61. Coloring - I never get too old to get satisfaction from staying inside the lines. 
  62. Flowers - any kinds, but especially pansies or carnations. 
  63. A special dinner out. 
  64. Time with family and friends. 
  65. Making a child happy. 
  66. Making a spouse happy.
  67. Making anyone happy.
  68. Singing in the shower.
  69. Having a new scent of shampoo, shaving cream or hairspray to try.
  70. Getting my nails done. 
  71. Pedicures!
  72. Massages.
  73. Getting excitedly greeted by my puppy, whether I've just been out to get the mail or out to get groceries.
  74. Getting a sale on Etsy.
  75. Seeing someone remembered me on facebook.
  76. A comment on my blog.
  77. An email from beloved friends or family. 
  78. Chocolate. 
  79. A stack of books in my "to read" file.
  80. Soft cotton pillowcases. 
  81. Fuzzy socks or favorite slippers. 
  82. A drive with my honey. 
  83. Fridays.  
  84. Weekends.
  85. Notecards. 
  86. Organization.
  87. Putting the pieces together. 
  88. Making it work. 
  89. Knowing I've taken the right action.
  90. Letting the other guy go first.
  91. Knowing I'm loved. 
  92. Finding purpose. 
  93. Thinking about sweet memories. 
  94. Making sweet memories.
  95. Christmas shopping. 
  96. Wrapping presents.
  97. Asking for what I need. 
  98. Smiling instead of grousing. 
  99. Being thankful instead of crabby. 
  100. Loving what I have.

1 comment:

  1. Love this list, Roxann! Letters in the mail . . . green lights . . . thunderstorms . . . jeans . . . cheesecake . . . holding hands . . . a new book . . . making cookies . . . fresh air . . . Christmas shopping (before Dec. 24th :) ! Simple pleasures indeed, but they make all the difference. Thanks for reminding me!
