Monday, October 25, 2010

Part II: Reasons I'm Not Sure Kids are For Me...

In post 2 of 3 I list my reasons for being uncertain about becoming a parent. 
  • I've already had a lot of responsibility in my life.  Sometimes I feel like I'm finally "free" and not ready to undertake such a major commitment. 
  • I have so very many places to see and I fear that if I have kids I won't get to see them.  I especially fear that I won't get to see them with Kyle.
  • Kids are a huge financial consideration and we are not in a very comfortable financial position.
  • I would have to give up a lot of the free time I have to write, craft and pursue other personal interests.
  • I'm not sure I want to give up so much "me" time. 
  • I'm also not sure I want to give up so much "us" time with Kyle.
  • I face huge decisions as to whether or not to discontinue or reduce psychiatric medications during a pregnancy.  I risk putting myself and my baby at disadvantages regardless of which direction I go with this.  
  • Based on my psychiatric history I face a high risk of post-postpartum depression. 
  • I wonder how kids will effect my professional life. 
  • Beyond pregnancy and beyond the first few months of giving birth, how will being a mom affect my mental health? 
  • Sleep is hugely affected by pregnancy and being a new mom.  Lack of sleep and exhaustion have frequently caused harm in regards to my mental illness.  How will the effect children have on sleep affect me?
  • More pressure on Kyle to stay with a job for financial reasons and not because it's what he wants to do.
  • Kids can strain a relationship.
  • Fears that I wouldn't be a good mom. 
  • Less peace and quiet - or a different sort of peace and quiet.
If you have opted not to have kids, what were the biggest factors in your decision to remain kid-free?  Please leave me a comment with your reasons.

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