Saturday, October 16, 2010

50 Questions to Ask Myself...

Over at Living Legacy they had this list of "50 Questions to Ask Yourself" and since my thoughts are racing tonight and I can't sleep I thought I would attack the first 25 and tie it up with the second half tomorrow.  I've had a less than wonderful week and I'm really struggling to look on the bright side today, so I'm hoping this activity will give me some perspective. 
  1. How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment?  I'm glad I'm blogging but I'd rather be sleeping in bed with my little Pip and Kyle, while the heating pad keeps my feet warm despite the cool October breeze that pleasantly chills our bedroom.
  2. What is your fondest childhood memory? Who was there? What was going on?  My mom reading with us or going to work with my dad.
  3. How comfortable are you in your home?  Right at this moment, the mess is making me want to crawl out of my skin.
  4. How comfortable are you in your town/city? State?  Love my state, mostly love my city but sometimes I miss the quiet of the small town or country life.
  5. What kind of weather do you like? Spring weather - 70s with a light breeze and lots of sun.  An occasional rainy day is also fun.
  6. Do you believe you can have your cake and eat it, too? Why or why not?  Yes, if you play your cards right.
  7. What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really loved? Their unconditional love.
  8. What is one quality about your parent(s) that you really do not like?  Mom's swearing, Dad's having to work away from home sometimes.
  9. Do you like what you are doing for money?  Not loving subbing.
  10. What do you feel is your greatest skill?  Hmmm... I hope my writing but I don't know.
  11. What do you feel is your greatest personality trait?  My caring nature
  12. Do you feel like anything in your life is holding you back from ultimate joy? List everything.  My tendency towards depression, my spending habits, my fear of people,  my occasional dislike of myself, my extreme introversion, my tendency towards pleasing everyone else and not myself.
  13. Write a paragraph or two about your ideal weekend/time away from work. Include location, sights, smells, food, activities, and people.  I love solitude and quiet.  It would include sleeping in late on Sunday.  I would have cleaned the house on Friday from top to bottom.  Saturday consists of catching up on odds and ends.  Sunday Kyle and I would watch NFL with Pip and take a nap.  We would play scrabble.  Kyle would cook a turkey and mashed potatoes.  We would enjoy the fall weather and temperatures by taking a walk together.
  14. How close are you in proximity to the people you absolutely adore the most?  I have a small social network that mostly consists of family and a couple of friends.  Most everyone lives very close except for one person.  I don't have a wide range of relationships,  but the few that I have tend to be close.
  15. What do you want out of life?  To do good work, to be as happy as possible, to appreciate what I have, to know I am doing what I love.  To have a purpose. 
  16. How do you think people will remember you, when you die? Hopefully they will say, "She did her best.  She loved, played had fun while she was here.  She triumphed over obstacles."
  17. How do you want people to remember you, when you die?  She enjoyed the ride.
  18. Write your epitaph - the sentence you would want to appear on your grave.  "Lived every minute to the fullest."
  19. What is one thing you could do today, this week, this month, or this year to get a step closer to creating the legacy in #17?  Conquering the items on my 30 before 30 list. 
  20. How do you feel about your home furnishings?  Love some, tolerate some.
  21. Do you have a hobby that you like to do but you don’t get paid for? What is it?  Writing.
  22. Does money hold you back from anything? What does it hold you back from? Be very specific.  Because my spending habits are out of control thanks partly to bipolar disorder, money is a major issue for me right now.  It is very stressful, embarrassing, frustrating and plain old tough to deal with.
  23. What do you think of passionate people?  I admire and envy them.
  24. Do you know anyone who you feel is living their dream? Who? What do they do all day and night? Be very specific.  Unfortunately, most of the people in my inner circle are merely getting through.  They plug away at jobs or lives because they have to, not because they want to. 
  25. Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now?  Yes.  Make the best of what you have.

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