Friday, October 1, 2010

It Can Always, Always Get Worse...

I was complaining to someone yesterday about how crummy my day had been and she said to me, "Well, at least it can't get much worse."  No, I countered.  It can always get worse.  I remind myself quite often that it can always be worse.  That helps me gain perspective and to remember what is really important.  Yesterday, for example, I was grumpy that my house was in chaos and everything is upside down, but at least I have a house.  At least I have a comfy bed to put my weary body and mind to sleep in.  I have a loving and warm husband to snuggle up with.  What if something happened to him?  That prospect helps me remember that I am really pretty fortunate.

That doesn't mean that I don't grump and complain and gripe my fair share.  Kyle and I were both in need of a little down time tonight, so we decided to go to dinner before we went to our nieces' choir concert.  As we sat waiting on the red light we were both jolted by the impact of someone running into us.  It scared the daylights out of me.  Kyle and I pulled over around the corner to inspect the damage, which was fortunately minimal.  The person that hit us did not feel the need to stop and check on our welfare or the welfare of the Escape.  Unfortunately I was unable to get their license plate number.  Though the damage was next to nothing - a few scrapes and mars on the bumper - our evening was marred more by just one more thing to go wrong.  See - it can always get worse.  It can keep on piling up!

But again, we're well, the car is fine, and we are home safe and sound together tonight.  And so life goes on and we wait to see what tomorrow holds - perhaps a little bit of weight will be lifted off, but perhaps we will encounter another life challenge.  Either way, we'll make it through.

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