Sunday, October 17, 2010

50 Questions to Ask Myself...Part II

  1. Do you think you can be completely satisfied living where you do right now?  Yes.
  2. What do you want to accomplish?  I want to help others. I want to feel good about myself and proud of my accomplishments.  I want to write a memoir or other work of nonfiction.
  3. Do you want to change your career? Absolutely!
  4. Do you wish you lived closer to a certain someone or group of people?  Yes, a certain someone in Oregon. 
  5. Do you wish you lived in a foreign country or a far away state?  Every now and then I have a hankering for a fresh start, but I love Wyoming.
  6. What are three things that you do everyday that make you totally happy?  Check my email to see who's been thinking of me.  Play with my little Pip and then cuddle him until he falls asleep.  Receive a kiss from my hubby before he leaves for work and as soon as he walks in the door at night.  
  7. What do you want to pass on to your children?  Stability.
  8. What is something you have never tried but would like to?  Karate or judo.
  9. Are there things in life you wish you could reverse or make right?  Generally I don't waste time thinking about what could be.  I learn from my mistakes and move on.  We make mistakes for a reason.
  10. Do you feel like you have enough money to live the way you want to?  No, but that is mostly my own fault.
  11. Are you happy when you think about the upcoming day and all that it comes with?  Generally I am neither happy nor unhappy.  Just endure it sometimes, I suppose.
  12. What do you find challenging?  Sometimes simple things, like being around other people or getting out of bed.  Relationships are always a challenge, but not always in a bad way.  My anxiety challenges me to be courageous instead of controlled by it.  Figuring out what to do with my life has been perhaps the biggest challenge.
  13. What do you find thrilling?  Sadly, shopping at times.  A great class.  A great conversation with a knowledgeable and reflective person whom I admire.  Payday.
  14. What are three memories you haven’t yet created but you would like to?  Seeing my first book in print.  Completing my thirty before thirty list.  Seeing Peyton win a superbowl - in person!
  15. Do you feel energized when you work?  No, I am generally depleted at the end of the day.
  16. Do you feel creative when you work?  No, although the kids are certainly creative in coming up with the 9 million reasons they have to leave the classroom right this moment.  I suppose I try to get creative in ways to say "Get to work or else".
  17. Describe what you consider work, and what you consider play. What are the differences?  Work depletes me.  Play gives me the energy and inspiration to work.
  18. Do you feel blessed or lucky to wake up each day? How can you get to that point?  Not sure I feel blessed or lucky but I face the day with much more energy and positivity than I once did.  I generally am okay with starting the day.
  19. If all of your debt was forgiven tomorrow, and you had a completely clean slate, what is the very FIRST thing you would change about your life?  No more credit cards.  EVER. 
  20. Where are three places you have always thought about living but never did? New England, the upper West coast.  Idaho.
  21. When do you want to retire?  No idea.
  22. Is there an award or accolade you have always dreamed of winning or being recognized for?  Nobel Prize in Literature, of course.
  23. If you could learn how and money was not an issue, is there anything else you would do for work besides what you are doing now? Be specific.  I would go back and stick to a Literature Masters and PhD program.
  24. List three things you would immediately change about your work day if you were the boss (assumes you are not the boss).  Late start, few meetings, clear responsibilities.
  25. List three things you would immediately start doing on the weekends if you had the money.  Travel! Travel.  Maybe travel.

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