Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It's My Birthday and It's All About Me...

At least on my blog, it's all about me :)  I do have wonderful birthday plans, though.  I am going to enjoy breakfast out with my best friend.  This may or may not include a peach muffin.  In the evening I shall enjoy going to the movies to see Eat, Pray, Love, along with a huge tub of buttered popcorn, some gummy bears, a fizzy fountain coke, and my wonderful sister-in-law, Penny.  Kyle is out of town, so we will have to celebrate with dinner out sometime next month when life slows down.

In order of the big 2-9 (Holy cow!  One more year to thirty!  Oh, dear!), I am posting 29 odd facts all about me today.


Dessert:  Raspberry/White Chocolate Cheesecake

Guilty Pleasure:  A bowl of rocky road ice cream while watching reruns of COPS (A real thrill seeker, aren't I?)

Books I've readClassics: Pride and Prejudice, Great Expectations Modern Classics:  The Thorn Birds, A Thousand Splendid Suns, Memoirs:  The Glass Castle, Darkness Visible

TV Show:  I loved the recent Starz! miniseries Pillars of the Earth

Way to spend Friday night:  Dinner out or movies in.


Three words that describe you?
perfectionist, organized, caring

Random fact about you?
I've moved over 26 times.  That I can count.

If you could have coffee with anyone famous, past or present, who would it be?
Abe Lincoln

If you could share a bit of advice with your teenage self, what would it be?  
Be you!  You are just the way you're meant to be.

What experience has shaped you most, and why?
Mostly the health of those around me and my own struggle with depression have caused the biggest learning experiences for me.  It's important to make the most of the time we have with the ones we love.  We never know when our time is up.

How do you spend a day without commitments? 
I would love to say that I would get all this huge accomplishments done, but in reality, I'd probably browse the web, clean the house and maybe squeeze in a nap.  I would really love, though, a day at the spa with a massage, a pedicure and a haircut to feel a little bit pampered.

What food could you never give up? 
Chocolate and pizza.  And Diet Sunkist.

Your favorite comfort food that doesn't include cheese?
What kind of comfort food doesn't include cheese?!?  Ummm...Mom's homemade chicken and noodles.

What did you think you would be when you grew up? 
A teacher.

What do you want to be when you grow up now? 
A writer.  Or a police officer/detective.

Which woman writer, living or dead, do you most admire?
I have long loved Laura Ingalls Wilder.  I could relate to her so much as I grew up on farms and ranches.  I wanted to be a teacher just like her with my own one room schoolhouse.  I rooted for her in her first year of marriage as she and her husband faced difficulties.

What character trait do you most admire?  
Humility.  Not the submissive type, but the modest and humble type.

Which books have touched you and inspired you most? 

Gosh, which books haven't inspired or touched me?  I just love the many lessons to be learned inside the covers of good books.  Great books show us the pitfalls and the peaks of human nature.  Macbeth, for instance.  Talk about needing some humility!  I love memoirs and nonfiction books because I am inspired by true tales of people overcoming those trials and tribulations that rock them but make them better people. 

Favorite family traditions?
I love how Kyle and I get to make up new traditions as we move through the years as a new family.  We love to watch only Christmas movies in the days before Christmas, and though there are a million choices, we can't miss The Holiday, Emmit Otter's Jugband Christmas, Meet Me in St. Louis, Love Actually,  and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.  

What is your big dream.  The Big one?
To write something worthy of publication.

What are you working on right now that you could use some support and encouragement on? 
My Whimsical Notions shop.  My DBSA Support Group.


I HATE hypocrisy.  
I HEAR Pip growling at a leaf.
I WONDER what is my purpose?
I REGRET very little?  Learn from mistakes, and move on. 
I DANCE with my four year old god-daughter.
I SING in the car, shower, while crafting, while cleaning, while grocery shopping, pretty much everywhere!
I CRY when angry or frustrated, rarely when sad.
I AM NOT ALWAYS as patient as I would like.
I WRITE in my journal, on this blog, and in notebooks all over the house.  

And bonus:  My picture for today!


  1. This is a strong expression of a person who is deeply committed to living a life they love!

  2. I'm trying! It's not easy - actually, it's mighty tough, but it's a worthwhile cause. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
