Wednesday, September 15, 2010

30 Before 30...

A trend in the blog world is to make a list of 30 things/events/goals one hopes to accomplish by the time one hits thirty.  Since today is the first day of the last year of my twenties, I thought it would be a great time to post my list. I have 365 days to get these items crossed out, and there's nothing an organization-freak likes more than crossing items off a to-do list! As I accomplish each of these I will cross them off and add the date completed.  Keep checking back to see my progress!

  1. Reach my goal weight (30ish more pounds to go!)  Or at least get my BMI  in the "normal" range.
  2. Blog 5 days a week.
  3. A kickboxing or karate class.  Or maybe Zumba. 
  4. Go to a water park.  This entails wearing a swimsuit in PUBLIC.  Eek!  That hasn't happened since about - oh, 1993. 
  5. Finish painting the interior of the house.  Done! 1/31/11!
  6. Go to Vegas with Kyle.  Done! 6/1/11!
  7. Go to Phantom of the Opera at the Venetian in Vegas.  Done! 6/3/11!
  8. Acquire a violin (Done 12/25/10!) and begin learning to play.
  9. Read 10 classic novels.  5 that I haven't read yet; perhaps Jude the Obscure, The Idiot, Anna Karenina, Lolita, and Daniel Deronda.  5 that I loved; perhaps Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, Little Women, Adam Bede, Mill on the Floss.  Bonus:  Silas Marner
  10. Go to a Colorado Rockies game. 
  11. Go to the spa for a day of pampering - massage, pedicure, nails and maybe a haircut or facial? 5/31/11!
  12. Apply to make my DBSA support group a nonprofit organization.  Done 1/31/11!
  13. Go camping. 
  14. Have Kyle teach me to flyfish. 
  15. Visit a renaissance fair. (Boulder or Larkspur?)
  16. Get something published.
  17. Learn to say no politely but firmly, and not feel guilty afterward.
  18. Ring in the New Year in a new way.  Perhaps something that requires me to get all dressed up.  Not that it wasn't great ringing in the past 29 in my PJs.
  19. Buy a little black dress - and love it.  Maybe even wear it to ring in the new year? 5/20/11!
  20. Watch a meteor shower. 
  21. Organize an Out of the Darkness Community Walk.
  22. Sing karaoke in public - like I mean it.  Nancy Sinatra, anyone?
  23. Take classes on something completely new.  Grant Writing?  Graphic Design?  
  24. Go kayaking or white water rafting.
  25. Quit biting my nails.  For GOOD.  
  26. Have a snazzy dinner with Kyle at an upscale restaurant.  Wait, doesn't Cheesecake Factory count? 6/9/11.
  27. Spend more time reading, writing and talking to others in person and less time online. 
  28. Make Pioneer Woman's Mac & Cheese from scratch.  Preferably, without a fire in the kitchen.  This recipe almost makes me want to have a bad day just so I can indulge in comfort food.  
  29. Figure out what I'm passionate about and use that knowledge to find me a job that I love.
  30. Forgive myself.


    1. I love them all!!! And hit the "Top of the World" restaurant at the Stratosphere while you are in Vegas for that fancy dinner. To die for food and an even better to die for view if you book your reservations after dark! I have a feeling everyone of these will be crossed off! :D Awesome!

    2. Happy Birthday Roxann! Love your list. I wore a bathing suit this summer for the first time in ages and to my great surprise, it was kind of liberating. Best wishes for an adventurous year!
