Sunday, September 12, 2010


When I'm inclined to be grumpy and bellyache about the small stuff, it's usually time to think about what I am grateful for.  So here are a few gratitudes for this Sunday evening. 
  • love
  • Kyle
  • Pip
  • laughter
  • friendship
  • hope
  • generosity
  • gentleness
  • energy
  • bagels
  • honey walnut cream cheese
  • nutella
  • gingerbread candles
  • reflection 
  • peace
  • quiet
  • a day with no obligations
  • a week with no crises
  • warmth
  • cool sheets
  • fabric softner
  • my favorite jeans and sweatshirt
  • days when I don't have to look "presentable"
  • a new book
  • the smell of a new book
  • an uncracked spine on a new book
  • coffee shops that sell Italian sodas
  • almond flavoring
  • beauty
  • human touch
  • understanding
  • compassion
  • insight
  • a new pen
  • a new notebook or journal
  • a soft breeze
  • sunshine warmth
  • snowy freshness
  • spring blossoms
  • fall colors
  • ice
  • xerox machines
  • printers
  • mapquest
  • memory card capacities
  • allergy medicine
  • juicy secrets - the good kind 
  • babies
  • puppies
  • wisdom
  • fuzzy socks
  • electric blankets
  • a working furnace
  • bliss
  • contentment
  • oatmeal
  • another day
  • every day

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