Tuesday, September 28, 2010

And the Destruction Begins...

In the course of a few hours this morning, a local company ripped out our carpeting, tile, linoleum and a great deal of sheet rock around the perimeter of our basement.  Thanks to last week's backed up drains, our insurance company is helping us rid the basement of potential mold problems.  Kyle has been dealing with this chaos as I begin my substitute teaching career.  Here are just a few pictures of what was done today. 

 I believe this was once my laundry room.

 This was where our vanity sat in the bathroom. 
We're hoping that the insurance covers the entire cost so that we don't end up finishing the work ourselves.  However, we are very grateful that we had the coverage we did.  Otherwise, we would be living in a very unsafe environment.

I will update you as the project progresses.

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