Friday, September 17, 2010


Just a short post tonight as I'm falling asleep sitting up tonight and looking to sleeping in tomorrow.  I am currently reading The Introvert Advantage, which is a pretty basic book explaining what introversion is and how to thrive as an introvert.  I'm a solid introvert.  In fact, the first time I took the Myers-Briggs Personality Indicator I was as introverted as possible.  I think I've grown a little since then and become gradually a bit more outgoing, but the anxiety I experience tends to make it hard for me to be outgoing without serious effort and dedication.  

Introverts are outnumbered 3 to 1 according to Laney, so it can be an overwhelming world to us.  Introverts recharge through solitude, reflection and introspection.  Extroverts recharge with other people.  Extroverts leave a party ready for the after-party.  Introverts leave the party and say, "I had a great time but, whew, I am so exhausted."  We get drained when we are around other people.  Extroverts get pumped up. 

Naturally, being an introvert can make work life a little daunting.  Introverts are drawn toward careers where they work one on one, such as therapists or life-coaching.  A lot of work anxiety I've attributed to my mental illness could actually be attributed more to my introversion rather than my anxiety.  I'm sure it's a combination of both, but it was actually a relief to realize that my work issues may stem more from the type of personality I have and less from my anxiety in general. 

I am really excited about going back to work, and I am trying to keep in mind the tips from this book on succeeding as an introvert.  I'm feeling a lot of confidence about subbing because I have so much choice on my side.  I get to pick the schools, I get to pick the grades, even the specific teachers when there are several jobs. I don't have to go back to any certain school or assignment if it's horrid and uncomfortable.  If I'm struggling personally I can choose to stay home for the day and regroup.  The power of flexibility and choice make me much more at peace with my decision to go back to work.  I hope I'm not taking on too much at one time. 

Introversion is a great topic, and I plan to discuss it more in my next post, specifically the many ways that I have learned to manage my introversion.  It really does require that I make certain decisions to make myself more at peace.  It took me a long time to realize that it was simply personality type and not something wrong with me.  More on this soon, until then, I am off to the land of zzzzzzzz.....

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