Sunday, June 24, 2012

And Then I'm Reminded...

I'm over my tantrum and suddenly the sun starts to come out from behind the clouds and I'm reminded of how fortunate I am. 

I'm so grateful for my support group friends who make me laugh, remind me that I'm important and remind me why I started DBSA Cheyenne in the first place.  

I'm reminded of how much this guy means to me, and how happy we've been in our seven years together.  

I'm reminded of how much this guy loves me, unconditionally, every single day.  

I'm reminded of how much this little guy looks forward to me coming home, even if I've only been to the mailbox and back. 
I'm reminded of the beauty that surrounds me at any given moment, if I just take the time to seek it.
I'm reminded that I don't get to choose what happens in my life, but I always get to decide how I will respond to it, learn from it and allow it to change me for the better. 

I'm reminded that it can always, always be worse, and to just be thankful that I have what I have, who I have and that I'm loved. 

I'm reminded that every day, every moment, is a chance to start fresh, and it's up to me to take advantage of that opportunity. 

Life is difficult.  Sometimes it really stinks.  But I have way more good than bad, and I have so much more to look forward to than I have to regret.  

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