Saturday, June 9, 2012

Who Doesn't Want to Be Overloaded with Cute?

Even though I am still mad that the above picture of Pip has not been included on their site, I can't help but love  I mean, I know that every mom sees her baby as being the smartest/brightest/cutest kid ever, but I really think there is something extra special about a dog enjoying an Italian Cream soda to this degree.  

Anyways, the Cute Overload page is an instant mood lifter.  Try it.  I dare you not to smile while you scroll through the first page of cuteness.  Unless you are a serial killer or some sort of boogie man, you're bound to succumb to the adorableness of it all. 

They now also have daily calendars out, so if for some reason you can't access their webpage from your desk, you can still get a picture a day of super cuteness.

Bookmark this page so that the next time you feel the inclination to kill or maim your boss/child/parent you can get a boost of good cheer.  

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