Wednesday, June 13, 2012

#5-9 of 21 Things...All About Books!

Today's post is for my fellow literature nerds.  Here are some uber great places to find new reads, read about reading, or find inspirational literary related goodness.

This gentleman will help you find a list of books you should check out.  Simply tell him the name of the latest great book you read and the author and he gives you a list of suggestions.  

They link right to Amazon so you can see if they're available for your Kindle or buy them or just price them and add them to your wish list for later. 

#6 is my personal favorite - the Literature-Map site.   Simply plug in an author you like:
And it gives you a map of other authors you might find interesting.  The closer two names are, the more likely you will like both of them.  Simply click a name to get a literature map of that person.  I love the animation and the juxtaposition of so many great writers.  A fun little cloud of names!

#7:  Unshelved?  A fun look at all the craziness that happens in libraries.  His comics are often hilarious!
#8:  Want a peek at handwritten draft of Harry Potter?  This and a million other fascinating literary artifacts are just a click away at The British Library.
#9:  Fifty of the Most Inspiring Quotes about Books and Reading.  That one pretty much explains itself.  But here's one of my favorites:

There are perhaps no days of our childhood we lived so fully as those we spent with a favorite book.

–Marcel Proust
Have fun exploring these websites!  And don't forget to share some of your favorites with me!

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