Thursday, June 7, 2012

Oh, Facebook...How I Love Thee!

In the beginning of my life as a social networking junkie, I preferred Myspace.  I thought Facebook was bland, and Myspace could be spiffed up with all sorts of cool backgrounds and animated graphics.  I loved the personalization that could make it all my own.  Most everyone I knew was also using Myspace, so it made sense to use it.  As more and more of my friends dropped their Myspace accounts and went with Facebook, I began looking into it a little more.  I didn't want to keep up with two different sites, so I had to pick which one to go with.

Before long, I eliminated my Myspace account and went completely with Facebook.  Myspace was getting crowded with personalization.  Glittery and obnoxious became the normal look for many sites.  What once seemed boring on Facebook became appealing - a simplistic look that let the content speak for itself rather than the fancy flashing images and background songs.  

I loved that so many of my extended family members were on Facebook already.  Aunts, uncles and cousins whom I had had little contact with over the years were suddenly updating me on their lives and I loved the connection.  Since we are spread out over the country and we don't really have reunions or anything, Facebook was the next best way to stay in touch with each others and follow the ups and downs.  Instead of getting one letter at Christmas with all the year's details, I began to know my family more intimately and I love this!  I have always wanted a big, close-knit family, so keeping in touch on Facebook helps me feel connected to the family that otherwise might have slipped out of my life.  

I've also tracked down people from my childhood who made a huge impact on me but who I might not otherwise have reconnected with.  I got to reach out to Kandi, my best friend from fifth and sixth grades, who I lost touch with a couple years after moving away.  Ms. Sulzen, an amazing volleyball coach and teacher's aid from those same years who made me feel special and whom I adored.  My fourth grade teacher.  I have been able to tell people how much they impacted my life all because we found each other again on Facebook. 

I love the ability of sharing photos and video through Facebook. I get to watch nieces and nephews and second cousins grow up.  I can virtually visit their recitals, see their artwork and be amazed with their rapid growth.  I can tell them I'm proud of them and let them know I care.  I live vicariously through photos of friends' vacations, their captured shots of first holding their newborn, or give them condolences when they have suffered a loss.  I get to be there for them in a way I probably wouldn't have without Facebook. 

I can use the groups feature to connect with people with other interests.  I don't necessarily have to link them to my personal profile, either.  I can simply interact with them in the context of the group without divulging more personal information that I'd rather keep more private.  I can update group members easily and all at once, and likewise I receive updates from the group without having to visit a large number of individual sites.  Everything is housed under one umbrella for easy access.  

I can link my friends to items of interest to me, and likewise they can link me to theirs.  We can also share pertinent information with other people when we think it will be of interest to them.  This is important to me since I love learning and connecting with people who also love it.  Often, the items they find important are significant to me also.

I love the comments feature of Facebook.  Sometimes it's just fun to read what others think about what I've posted.  Or, maybe I need some advice or suggestions from friends and I can get that all in one place without having to track people down individually.  Comments make me laugh, sometimes cry, or inspire me.  

The messaging feature is fun for "chatting" with friends and family.  Especially in those wee hours of the morn when I cannot sleep.  I log onto Facebook and see which of my fellow insomniacs are awake, and we can keep each other company.  Or we can just chit chat back and forth as we watch the same movie or TV show.  Even though we're not together in person, we are sharing life in real time. 

While face to face interaction would be my preferred method for connecting, that's just not as realistic in today's world.  Everyone seems so busy with their individual endeavors, their jobs, their hobbies, their kiddos.  Families are spread across the country and event the world.  Friends are not always able to visit as much as I'd like, nor am I able to visit them as much.  Facebook is an adequate substitute for me.  I'd rather get what I can through Facebook than not have that interaction at all.  

Of course there are drawbacks and issues in regard to Facebook, but overall it enhances my life in many ways.  I love that I can log on at my convenience and be updated about the people who are important to me.  I love that I can participate in their lives and they in mine.  It's not as good as "the real thing", but I'll take what I can get.  

1 comment:

  1. I love that in your screen shot your browser theme is purple. Mine of course is green grass!
