Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ten Reasons I Love This Guy...

  1. I know no with as tender a heart as his.  There's not a mean bone in his body.
  2. He and Pip are adorable together.  Partners in crime.  Best friends. 
  3. He has the weirdest sense of humor. 
  4. He's a nerd. 
  5. He kisses me goodbye every single morning.
  6. He loves me when I am completely unlovable.
  7. He comes through for me 100% of the time, without fail.  
  8. He encourages me in every way, supporting my decisions and understanding my dreams and goals. 
  9. He knows the worst of me but loves me anyways.
  10. Sometimes, life gives you a fairytale.  He is my prince charming, my soul mate.  My EVERYTHING.

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