Sunday, March 6, 2011

If You Can't Say Something Nice...

It's come to my attention lately how much negativity there is on television, amongst the students I sub, even amongst checkers at the grocery store.  I work very hard to keep negativity out of my life.  This has even meant cutting some people out of my life - a process that was NOT easy.  It's pervasive today, though.  It's hard to get away from it because it is everywhere.  

I don't understand it.  It's just as easy to say something positive or good as it is to be bitter and resentful.  Each of us, at some time or another, has been the recipient of harsh words, criticism or the subject of cruel gossip.  Sticks and stones may break bones, but words can shatter souls.  

I don't see much of people building one another up.  Maybe that's a pipe dream, but it isn't so far-fetched to believe that we could all be a little less judgmental and a little more supportive.  It would take no more effort on our part, but the results could be amazing. 

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