Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Things I Will Do This Week...

  1. Take Pip to the vet to get shots and nails clipped.  
  2. Host game night for the Depression and Bipolar Support Group.
  3. Visit the dentist to get started on a new crown.  
  4. Work out at least three days. 
  5. Take Pip for a walk (which actually means carry Pip while I walk).
  6. Morning pages EVERY day. 
  7. Finger paint. 
  8. Clean and reorganize the craft room.
  9. Watch "The Marketing of Madness".  After a closer look at who is BEHIND the "Marketing of Madness" I no longer have any interest in its biased message.  We all know (thanks to Tom Cruise), the Scientologists' views on psychiatry.
  10. Finish reading Wuthering Heights.


    1. Is pip such a bad*** that you can clip his nails? Jeez... :P

    2. Oh, I have tried. Countless times. I can't stand the thought of paying someone else $18 to do it, but I also discovered it is well worth it in the end. I've tried doing one nail a day for ten days. No go. I gave up.
