Thursday, March 17, 2011

10 Reasons I Love Spring...

 It's snowing furiously out the window, so naturally I'm thinking about how ready I am for Spring to get here.  I am all about Spring.  It is my favorite season hands down.  I love this time of year and I can't get enough of it.  So here are 10 reasons Spring rocks.

  1. e.e. cummings said it best.  Spring is "mud-luscious" and "puddle-wonderful".
  2. That first smell of rain in the air.
  3. The first glimpse of tulips and daffodils pushing their green stems up through the soil.
  4. More light in the evenings.  Those dark, short days are over!
  5. Spring cleaning.  Nothing feels so good as getting the house in order, opening all the windows and airing out the rooms.  
  6. Sandals.  Capris.  Flip-flops.  Painted toenails.  
  7. In Wyoming, lots of wildlife babies pop out in the late spring. 
  8. Lilacs. Oh, the scent of a lilac is so divine.  It's my all time favorite flower, scent and color.  The perfect combination. 
  9. Getting outside and moving in the warmer weather.  
  10. Sunday drives.  Stopping to pick wildflowers.  The promise of summer. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree, Roxann! I can't wait until spring is really here!
