Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My WILL DO List...

My motivation has been nonexistent lately, as noted in yesterday's post.  The fact that I've managed to blog in the past week is an accomplishment in and of itself.  For a perfectionist like myself, to say that it's intolerable for me to accomplish so little is an understatement.  I like to feel productive and see all that I've accomplished.  I am determined to get my tread-climber and the TV/DVD set up downstairs before the end of this week so I can get busy losing these extra pounds I somehow found.  So, instead of a "to do" list I'm making a "will do" list so that it seems less optional :)


  • Clean hall closet and organize.
  • Sort through bins that are from the great basement flood of 2010. Determine what needs 1) put away elsewhere 2) donated to DBSA garage sale pile 3)tossed 4) donated.
  • Find DVD player lost in the Great Flood.
  • Move small entertainment center downstairs to set up TV/DVD.  Cheap particle board came apart.  Must revise plan.
  • Exercise!
  • Clean out master bedroom closet.  Try on clothes and get the ones I don't wear/don't want into bags for Goodwill.
This in addition to the other appointments for the rest of the week:


  • Pip's shots and getting his nails clipped since I rescheduled this from last week.
  • Finish homework for therapy (nothing like procrastinating!)
  • Therapy
  • Nails (yay, a little ME time)
  • Facilitate support group and give anger management presentation (Was too sick to go :()

  • Group therapy 3-5
  • Deal with items from the Will Do list 

  • IF I accomplish most of the things from the Will Do list I will spend my afternoon reading all my yummy magazines I've been saving up, ripping out pages for ideas I want to keep, and noting ideas or things I want to check out.  I love to save all my mags up for one good afternoon.  And since there is snow called for, what better to do?
At this current point in my depression/bipolar recovery, this is A LOT of activity for one week.  I have to remember to go easy and give myself a break but at the same time make myself accomplish a few items.  

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