Wednesday, March 16, 2011

10 Moments I'll Never Forget...

On our wedding day.  We've both changed so much since then!

Continuing with my Week of Tens, today I am blogging ten moments of my life that I will never forget.

  1. Calling my mom on the way to class to find out what was happening on the morning of September 11, 2001.
  2. Graduating with my degree in Literature. 
  3. Being awarded "Outstanding Senior in English" the night before I graduated.   
  4. Seeing Kyle and running to hug and kiss him in the airport last summer after spending six weeks in Texas.
  5. Those first two weeks after gastric bypass surgery when I thought I had made the biggest mistake EVER.  (It was actually the best thing I ever did!)
  6. My perfect wedding day. 
  7. My dad's first heart attack.
  8. White water rafting in 1999.
  9. England, 2001.
  10. My first day at home with Pip when we first got him.     

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