Monday, March 14, 2011

10 Reasons I Love This Little Guy...

1.  He's stinkin' cute.
2.  Who wouldn't love those giant ears?
3.  No one has EVER been happier to see me than he is - even if I only went to the mailbox and back. 
4.  He's never chewed up anything important. 
5.  He snorts.  
6.  He is always up for an afternoon nap. Or a morning nap.  Or any nap.
7.  He sleeps curled up on my left side while I sleep on my right side.  It's a comfort to have him there all night. 
8.  He's goofy and frequently runs in circles when excited - especially after being in the rain.  Or he runs up to the TV and growls when there's a dog or woodchucks on the screen.
9.  He looks ADORABLE when dressed up. 
10.  He's an amazing comfort.

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