Thursday, December 30, 2010

Who Rescued Who?

Yesterday I saw the PERFECT bumper sticker.  It was a large paw print and it said, "Who Rescued Who?"  Now, I didn't "rescue" Pip, so to speak.  He came from a breeder, not a shelter, though at the time I had checked the local shelters for Chihuahuas.  Even if he had come from a shelter though, that bumper sticker would be very meaningful to me; for it was Pip who rescued me, not the other way around.  He has brought such joy, delight, laughter and smiles to our life and I can't explain how much he means to both of us.  I watched Marley and Me before we had Pip.  Thank goodness.  I would be a mess if I watched it today.  Not that I've not had dogs before, but I've never had a Pip before.  I had yet to be rescued.

I don't claim to have any real ability to take good pictures.  However, since I love to scrapbook, and especially with the addition of Pip to our family, I end up taking a LOT of photos.  The great part of today's technology is that no longer must I wait for a week for a roll of film to return from the developer, only to be filled with blurred images and poorly lit shots.  I can review the hundreds of photos I take BEFORE I send them to the printer via my computer.  I then pick them up an hour later or choose to have them mailed to my door.  Ahhh... No more paying for pictures that don't turn out.  Except for the fact that photos of Pip are like Lay's potato chips - I can't just eat (pick) one. 

I have a REALLY hard time throwing out and deleting photos.  While any good scrapper or photographer knows, one good pic is worth a million poor ones, I have a hard time picking that one.  I really don't need 10 shots of Pip in his bed.  But how to throw them away? And if I'm like this with the DOG, how will I ever throw out pics of our future children?  Actually, I'm convinced that I'll have far more pictures of Pip than I'll ever have time for of our children.  Hopefully I'll get better at taking one good one and I won't need ten similar ones.  I can hear my future children wondering why there are more photos of the family pet than the "real" children. 

Today I was in the calendar store and trying to find a calendar with cute Chihuahuas, but none were as cute as my own!  (I'm pretty sure this isn't just because I'm a biased Mom - I am convinced I own one of the cutest Chihuahuas on earth.)  I'm thinking I may need to make my own calendar.

Anyways, without further ado, here are a few of my favorite shots of Pip from 2010 - our first year as a "family" with our little Pip.  

This was shortly after we got Pip.  The boys played too hard and promptly fell asleep.

Pip loved our stay at the Curtis, and gave the comfort level a 10.

I'm thinking Pip could model for Gap if they had a pet line.

Pip - clearly excited - about Halloween.

I call this one "Mighty Mouse".  Doesn't he look like Jerry from Tom and Jerry?

Our baby when he was still a little pup.

He loves to rest his head on Kyle's.  I wish this one wasn't blurry.

Yet again, overwhelmingly excited about the holidays.

Our dashing Little Man in his Christmas Sweater.

Tuckered out.

Ready for our first SuperBowl.  Go Colts!

Love the little tongue hanging out.

Keeping warm in Kyle's vest.

Oh. My. Heart.  Look at the pug nosed baby Pip!

My very favorite photo of us.
Peek - a - boo!

Where's Waldo?  5 Points if you can spot him.

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