Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Just Breathe...

Do you ever forget to breathe?  I sure do.  When I have many worries on my mind or more stress than I care to deal with I notice that I'm not breathing.  I have to remind myself to take big deep breaths and to "keep calm and carry on".  

With the whirlwind of the past month and a half - shopping, decorating, eating, spending, traveling, baking, visiting - I especially got into a bad habit of forgetting to breathe.  

I must admit I've been struggling a bit lately.  I'm depressed more often.  I'm overwhelmed almost constantly.  I'm riddled with anxiety and I'm certain that something devastating is just over the horizon, waiting to creep up on me. And I really hate feeling this way, so I have been trying to rethink my thoughts and frame them in a more positive way.  Perhaps the change I dread will really be the door opening to a lovely new reality.  It's just as likely that something good will happen as something horrible, right?

I want to start the New Year on a positive, cheerful note, so I keep hoping this mopey mood of mine will diminish.  I'm actively working on it.  

In the meantime, I just keep reminding myself to take deep breaths in - and don't forget to exhale.


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