Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Stockings...

Stockings have long been one of my favorite parts of Christmas Day fun.  My mom made my brother and me our own stockings when we were very young.  My brothers is Navy blue and has a little man fishing out of a boat.  Mine is red and has a Santa on it.  Both of our stockings still hang on the wall at my parents' house every Christmas.  I don't have a special one at my own house yet.  Kyle has his UW stocking, and Pip got a really cute one recently.  I am still searching for the perfect stocking.  In the mean time, I got to thinking about how much my stocking meant to me as a little girl. 

Mom always put an apple and an orange in our stocking, along with mixed nuts in the shell.  She would add a few candies - maybe some Reese's cups or Hershey Kisses, or solid little Santas and elves wrapped in pretty foil.  Sometimes they even had marshmallow cream in them, and I would save those to put in my steaming cocoa later.  We'd also get a few little treasures in our stockings.  My brother might get some shiny new fishing lures or a new pocket knife.  My stocking might hold a new pink nail polish or some Lip Smackers lip balms.  Our stockings never held big or expensive items, but nonetheless, I always looked forward to dumping its contents onto the floor to see what was inside.  It was sort of like opening a box of cracker jacks, anticipating the reward waiting inside.

As we got older, Mom didn't always fill our stockings anymore.  I'm not sure why.  I don't suppose she even knew how much I loved this part of the holiday.  I probably never told her.  I doubt my parents realized that I so appreciated those little baubles that showed me they loved me.  The fact that they knew just what to put in there let me know they cared enough to pick the very items that would please me most. 

I know that if/when I have kids, I will carry on the tradition my mom began 29 years ago. I will find the perfect little treasure to leave for my child in his or her stocking, and I will place the apple and orange inside along with nuts and chocolates.   Until then, I'm left with sweet memories of my own Christmas morning joy of emptying my stocking and delighting in the simple pleasures of childhood. 

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