Wednesday, November 3, 2010

In a Funk...

Sorry I've been MIA for a week.  I've been swamped with trying to get my house back in livable condition after the contractor's finished up.  I have been completely without energy, which does not make light work of lugging of furniture, boxes and bins up and down the stairs.  Kyle was also gone for work for several days, so my helper was gone.   Pip is not a lot of assistance in this arena.  He likes to unpack boxes and baskets quicker than I can fill them.  I am not getting this work done as quickly as I would like.  I just don't have any oomph right now.  Not sure if it's lack of nutrition from the weight loss surgery or what, but it is leading me into a funk.

It's not unusual for me to get in funks now and then, but since I've been doing relatively well it's frustrating to hit a bump in the road.  Money is stressing me out.  I didn't work as much as I would have liked in October to save up for Christmas because I was at home babysitting contractors.  My last work day before my last check before Christmas is the 15th of November, so hopefully I can pick up a few subbing jobs next week.  

I also have to see my psychiatrist tomorrow and I always dread it to a degree.  I know that my medications need tweaked and I always hate that.  I've talked before on this blog about the pros and cons of medications changes.  I'm just not feeling up to the unknowns of med changes, but I don't have a choice because either way I'm not feeling my best.  Med changes can also be expensive and that only adds to the stress I already discussed. 

The shorter days are hard on my mood, too.  I need to get my light box out and start using it daily.  Have you heard of them?  It sits on the table or a flat surface and I sit in front of it where it can shine directly into my eyes.  It's a sort of fluorescent blue.  It's darn bright, but the full-spectrum light is supposed to help with the symptoms of seasonal affective disorder.  

I'm noticing a lot of little stresses adding up right now for me, and many of them aren't that serious, but they are getting to me, so I know it is definitely time to see the doctor.  I went to get my hair done today and am agonizing over whether it is too short.  So instead of lifting me up, it sorta did the opposite.  I'm trying to focus on my gratitude journal every day and focusing on all that is positive to try to get my mind out of the darkness, but it can be really hard sometimes. 

How do you get yourself out of a funk?

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