Saturday, November 27, 2010

Giving Thanks...Gratitude...and Feeling Fortunate...

I took a little blog break the last ten days.  I was low on motivation and exhausted.  I've tried to work more lately to have more money for Christmas, my trip to Denver on Dec. 22nd and to pay off some bills, and subbing takes it out of me. I went to bed at about 7:30 pm on Tuesday.  I'm also working on a top secret Christmas present that I am really excited about and will show at a later, post-Christmas date.  But it's time-consuming, as well. 

Anyways, I'm back, and though I am shaky and not feeling tip top tonight due to stupidity on my part and not taking my meds for two days, I felt inspired to make a list of the many items on my gratitude list.  I keep a gratitude journal on my nightstand, and I commit to writing five items on that list every night before I go to sleep, no matter how tired I am or how much I just want to flop into bed.  I force myself to do it before I sleep.  When I'm struggling with insomnia, it helps to make my last effort of the day one of gratitude, and then I can focus on all that is good instead of all that is wrong.  Sometimes I'm crabby or tired and have a hard time coming up with five items, but that is when I find those things I take for granted  - things like hot water, a furnace, snail mail letters, gloves, warm food.  

So here is my list of thankfulness for 2010.

  • Medications that make me feel better mentally and physically.
  • Cuddling with my warm little Chihuahua and my warm big teddy bear of a husband. 
  • Naps!
  • Clear roads for holiday travel. 
  • Amazing family and friends. 
  • A loving husband who cleaned the house while I napped today. 
  • A flexible job. 
  • Kyle's job. 
  • A warm house. 
  • Inner peace. 
  • Inner calm. 
  • Outer calm. 
  • Remote start on COLD and windy Wyoming mornings.
  • A blossoming new friendship. 
  • My health.
  • Kyle's health.
  • A full tummy.
  • Football on Thanksgiving.
  • Health insurance.
  • Peace and quiet. 
I could add a million other items to this list, but these are the essentials at this time.  Hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and some peace and quiet, too.

1 comment:

  1. Love your list! I hope your Thanksgiving was fantastic! And don't worry, I head upstairs to get ready for bed on school nights at 7:30 too. Those little farts can take it out of you!
