Friday, March 26, 2010

The Very Best Chocolate Chip Cookies You'll Ever Make...

I'm still in the (bad) habit of sometimes comforting myself with a little chocolate when I'm down in the dumps.  I also enjoy making cookies for friends when they are down in the dumps or even just feeling a little off.  Nothing is better than something made from the heart.  My dear friend received some disheartening news yesterday, so I baked up a little batch of the very best cookies I know how to make.  Now, anyone who knows me knows I don't do much good in the kitchen.  Kyle cooks most of our meals, which is why we still have a house that hasn't burned to the ground.  However, this recipe is so easy that even I can make it turn out well.  So, I thought I would share my recipe with my blog readers - all three of you :) And, I even made the effort to take some photos along the way, because let's face it - pictures make any story better.

First off, find a good sized bowl to pour your ingredients in, because this recipe makes a good sized batch of cookies.  Soften one cup of butter and mix it with one cup white sugar and one cup packed brown sugar.

Next, beat in two eggs, one at a time.

Now for my personal favorite ingredient, vanilla.  Pour in a teaspoon or two.  And take a moment to inhale it's lovely scent.

Dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in two teaspoons of water and add to batter along with 1/2 teaspoon of salt.  Dump in two and a half to three cups of flour, one cup at a time and stirring in between.

Now for the goodies:  dump in a bag of your favorite chocolate chips and some walnuts.  I don't chop my walnuts because I love them, but it's up to you how chocolaty and nutty you want your cookies. 

You may have to fold them in by hand, but your dough should be soft enough to stir them in. 

I use an ice cream scoop to grab up some dough and put it on a cookie sheet.  It looks like a huge portion, but it bakes up in a nice sized cookie.  

Put a sheet of these lovelies in your preheated oven at 350 degrees.  Bake 10 to 12 minutes, ten if you like chewy-gooey cookies and twelve if you prefer a little more crunch.  

Ta-da!  Now you have the perfect cure for whatever ails ya.  Your batch should make about 20-24 cookies.  In my experience, they taste better when shared with a good friend.  Enjoy!


  1. I'm sold! I'd like to order a million of those babies puleeze (and no, they won't last long enough to go bad). The sad part is I don't have a single ingredient in my kitchen. Is there a way to make the same cookies with milk, mustard and ketchup?

  2. LOL, well, yes. Use a lot of imagination and pretend that the taste is yummy milk chocolate and walnuts.
