Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pieces of Me...

My heart is torn
It aches so much
Each beat makes it throb;
Pieces of it break, and scatter.

I am not whole,
I too am in pieces.
I weep.
I mourn.

What is my destiny?
What purpose have I?
Living each day,
Just to die?

I’m scared to go forward,
I wouldn’t go back.
I tread water, my head just above;
I’m losing myself.

Or am I already lost?

What happened to me,
That bright-eyed girl,
No endeavor or dream too big,
Determined, eager, hopeful?

What happened to me,
All of those goals, those desires?
Enthusiasm has drained,
Hope’s turned to ash.
Even determination has its limits.

Will she return, that bright eyed girl?
And if she does,
What will she look like?
Will her eyes shine again, or are they forever dimmed?

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