Sunday, March 21, 2010

Simple Abundance Exercises...

Ten Things I Love About My Body

This is not an easy exercise for me. I used to think that I hated everything about my body.  But that's not true.  
1.  HAIR - I've always loved the color and texture of my hair.  It's blond with a bit of reddish hints.  I was born with bright red hair that later fell out and was replaced by almost white blond hair.  I've never dyed my hair because I love the color that it is.

2.  FEET - I have tiny feet.  For a girl that grew up overweight, it's nice to refer to at least one body part as tiny.  I can wear super cute shoes, and am a shoe-holic.  I can sometimes buy shoes in the kids section.    

3.  HANDS - I love the way hands can tell a story about a person.  Rough hands indicate hard work, soft hands can speak volumes, too.  My hands are pretty small, and even smaller post weight loss surgery.  My hands are always busy - writing, typing, sewing, crafting, etc.  

4.  SKIN -  I used to dislike my pale skin because tans are so in, but I learned to love my milky white complexion eventually.  I would have been in back in the 1800s when so much as a freckle was looked at with dismay.  I don't tan, I burn, so I never do get that tan look.  And that's okay!

5.  SMILE - Since my weight loss surgery I have smile lines on my face that are kind of reminiscent of large dimples.  I love this.  I'm not sure why, but I think my smile is better since I lost so much weight. 

6.  EYES - Like our hands, our eyes convey so much about us.  My hazel eyes get very pale when I am sick and sparkle when I am happy.  My lazy eye is a character trait passed on to me by my dad, and I love it.  It allows me to see my genetic link to him. 

7.  HEIGHT - I'm 4 foot 11 inches tall.  Sometimes that stinks, but I've gotten used to it.  And I like it.

8.  EARS - I love my small, pierced ears.  Mostly I love that they allow me to hear beautiful music, nature, and my husband's voice. 

9.  NOSE - My nail lady tells me I have a cute button nose and that I need to pierce it.  Well, I have no plans to pierce any body parts other than my ears, but I do kinda like my nose.  It is small and it allows me to smell lilacs.

10.  MIND - Is this really a body part?  One can't actually zoom in on the mind and what it looks like.  But I'm going to cheat and list it here because it is so important to me.  I love that my mind allows me to think, learn, create and experience life. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice post. This would be a nearly impossible list for me to create for myself. However, I have a few more of yours I'd like to add :)

    I've heard about women in the 1800's ingesting arsenic to give themselves a pale complexion, to much and you stay pale.

    Quick Google search has revealed Dr. James' "Safe Arsenic Complexion Wafers" c1880. Oh, the good ol' days.
