Monday, August 2, 2010

Magnum Opus...

I wrote this three years ago, but I felt like posting it tonight.


Magnum Opus

Nine months my creation lay in wait
For years I had planned this great labor.
I cherished the project as others before,
But this one brought more pain, anguish, delight. 
When he was delivered, I cradled my creation
My child, my masterpiece.
For eighteen years I nurtured my greatest work
Retouching, remodling, reshaping,
Regretting, starting anew, enjoying each surprise.
I watched in amazement as his bright existence
Splashed onto life's blank canvas.
I came to rest only when I saw myself in him.
The artist is never quite finished
Modifying her design.
The time comes when she must put down her tools,
When it's time to stand back and behold
The product that love and desire
Created as a gift to the world.

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