Tuesday, August 3, 2010

It's the Little Things...

Since I have been out of work for a year (by choice), and since my recent six week "vacation" to Texas, money has been a wee bit tight in our household.  We're on a tight budget, but we give ourselves an allowance so we can get those odds and ends that we want and need each month.

In our old bedroom in the basement, I had a rub-on decal on the wall above the bed that said, "Always kiss me goodnight."  I loved it, but unfortunately it decided it would not be willing to come off in one piece so it could be relocated.  I believe I got it at Kohl's originally.  Oh, yes, here it is...

They are priced at $29.95 usually, but Kohl's has awesome sales - for instance, the quote is available here for $14.99.  I also pair up a great coupon with a sale to make a doable purchase price, but even $12.50 right now is a little extravagant.  So, I was thinking about printing the saying out with my printer, cutting the letters out and making my own stencil to paint it on the wall.  But in all honesty, I was feeling a little burned out when it came to home improvement.  I needed a little break.  I am also waiting on my Shutterfly and Snapfish photo deliveries so I can frame some prints and put some finishing touches on my photo wall. 

And so, today, my dear friend and I ventured out to breakfast and then to the local Ross store.  Let me just say I could spend an entire paycheck at Ross on almost any given day.  I love shopping for clothes there.  But I went in knowing I was on a budget, so my expectations were adjusted accordingly.  As I perused the picture frames looking for something classy for my loves and likes art (more on that later), I noted two small canisters on the top shelf at the end of the aisle.  I don't know how they even caught my eye - I'm a little (ok, lot) on the short side.  If I had been standing in front of them, I never would have seen them.  But I did.  My first thought was, oh, they'll probably be something for the kitchen.  But my heart was saying PLEASE BE SOMETHING LOVING.  I didn't have to have the "Always Kiss Me Goodnight" phrase - even if it IS my favorite.  Any loving quote would do, if it was a bargain buy.  So I sucked in my breath and stood tiptoe to reach the shelf and I picked up the two round boxes.  The first said something about mealtime - so my kitchen guess was correct.  I put it back.  I slowly turned the other one around so I could read the label. 


Always kiss me goodnight.

I wanted to click my heels together in the air, (but I didn't want to fall down in the middle of the store), so I just giggled excitedly and hugged my find to my chest.  NOTHING is better than finding the EXACT item you wanted at a price you can afford - $6.99!!!!

I also found two AMAZING frames for my loves and likes - I will post about those tomorrow.  Until then, I am going to go dream of putting the finishing touches on my new bedroom.  Because suddenly, I have all the energy I need to finish up my little home improvement project. 

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