Thursday, February 18, 2010

Come On Get Happy...

I'm currently reading Rachel Kempster's and Meg Leder's The Happy Book:  a  journal to celebrate what makes you happy.  Naturally, one of the first assignments in the book is to list some of the things that make you happy.  I love finding out what makes people happy, because often their happiness brings other happiness, and before you know it, happiness is flowing everywhere!

So here is my current Happy List (in no particular order):

1.  Kyle
2.  Pip
3.  Spike and anything hedgehog
4.  Petrie
5.  Family and friends
6.  movie theater popcorn
7.  writing
8.  handwritten notes or cards
9.  my cruiser bicycle
10.  Springtime
11.  bookstores
12.  window seats
13.  puffy clouds
14.  dressing up
15.  a new journal
16.  a new pen
17.  a new notebook
18.  a new book
19.  an old favorite book
20.  any poem by Robert Frost
21.  a new magazine
22.  painting my toenails
23.  a vase of flowers
24.  lilac bushes in full bloom
25.  soft comforter or quilt
26.  bookstores
27.  italian sodas - almond
28.  great hotel rooms
29.  board games
30.  new lotion, shampoo or perfume
31.  first snowfall of the year
32.  an unexpected lift from a friend
33.  facebook messages
34.  Eileen's Cookies
35.  scrapbooking
36.  cross-stitching
37.  quilting
38.  coffee shops (the old fashioned kind, not Starbucks)
39.  Christmas fudge
40.  wedding mints
41.  rainbows
42.  warm socks
43.  itunes
44.  pansies
45.  anything Jane Austin
46.  Amelie
47.  purple/lavender
48.  smiles
49.  snow days
50.  cheesecake
51.  scentsy candles
52.  rain
54.  Sales!
55.  mom's chicken and noodles
56.  little surprises from Kyle
57.  naps
58.  emails
59.  birthdays
60.  decorating the xmas tree
61.  love stories - finding out how people met and fell in love
62.  the mountains
63.  wildlife

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