Sunday, January 2, 2011

Words for 2011...

I wanted a post labeled 1/1/11 but since I got sidetracked watching Eat, Pray, Love with Kyle, it will now be a 1/2/11 post. 

Anyways, since reading Ali Edwards' One Little Word post, I have thinking about my word for 2011.  My word is "peace".  I need more of it in just about every aspect of my life.  I hemmed and hawed between "peace" and "tranquility", but in the end I believe one is not possible without the other.  I know I can't have peace without a little tranquility, and tranquility is not possible without peace.   Tomorrow I plan to pen in at least one action per month in my planner that can help me make my 2011 word a reality. 

I asked Kyle to share with me what his word would be if he were to choose one, and he told me "hope".  I like that one, too.

I am feeling very optimistic tonight that 2011 will be a year of fulfilled hopes and a much greater sense of peace in the Shook household. 

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