Monday, January 17, 2011

Movies That Make Me Think...

I have a hard time sitting and watching TV or movies without doing other activities at the same time.  One of my biggest complaints about television today and all of the "reality" series is that they don't require me to think much.  This is fine when I get home at the end of the day and have been wrangling 8 year olds, but the majority of the time, I like my mind to be provoked a little. 

I was delighted yesterday to watch two movies in a row that made me think.  I sat through both of them just snuggled up with Kyle.  No Internet, no cell phone, no journal, no magazine, no notebook - nothing else to distract me.  And I thoroughly enjoyed both!  

The first film we watched was The Shawshank Redemption.  This film came out in 1994, so I'm a little behind the times in seeing it, but Kyle had told me awhile back it was good, and it's been on sale at Target for $5.00.  However, it was finally on Starz! On Demand so we watched it.  I was expecting it to be dark - after all, it IS about prison life and it IS a Stephen King story, even though the usual sci-fi horror he writes is not a part of this story.  And some of it IS dark - the reality of prison life, but the underlying message throughout the entire film is one of hope.  I loved the fact that one of the main characters helped build a flourishing library.  I loved the fact that every horrible character in the film got what was coming to him.  I loved the ending.  I loved the cast.  Mostly, I loved the line, "Get busy living or get busy dying."  I have a tendency to forget to live.  Never made the connection that if I'm not getting busy living, I'm pretty much dying.  Good insight!  If you haven't seen this film - (and you probably have - I'm almost 2o years behind the times.  Of course, I would have been about 12 when this movie came out, and it probably wouldn't have had the same impact on me then) - it's definitely worth two hours of your time. 

The second film we watched was An Education.  Wasn't sure this would be any good, but knew it had been nominated for at least three Oscars last year.  It was wonderful!  It's a 1960s story about a 16 year old that meets an older man who introduces her to an exciting life of culture that she doesn't get at home with her stale parents.  She is quickly drawn up into the lifestyle and relationship, and even jeopardizes her dreams of attending college to read Literature at Oxford.  It is one of those stories where a woman must choose between love and marriage and her education, and where society - and even the parents who love her - push her to take the safe bet with the man who can provide for her and forget about her education.  Kyle really liked it too - in fact, it was still bothering him today.  I asked why "bothering" and he said it was a little sad.  I suppose it is, but mostly I thought it was a great look at the choices we must make and how it will impact our lives.  And I like the double meaning of "An Education".  She certainly receives an education about men, love, and life in general.  The movie also made me grateful that I live in a place and time where I can love literature, study it, have a degree in it, and still marry for love.  Studying literature at Oxford would be a dream come true!


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