Thursday, March 14, 2013

Today My Heart Is Happy Because...

  • My hubby is coming home after being gone for five days. 
  • My depression appears to be lifting and I may be able to see a reduction in the number of ECT treatments needed each week.
  • I have these guys who keep me company and make me smile.

  • I found these lovely green blades of grass popping up in the yard. 
  • The sun is shining beautifully and I get to have the doors and windows open.  
  • I had a wonderful lunch yesterday with someone who is a dear friend to me.
  • I spent two days with my beautiful Mom just hanging out, which is something we haven't done in years. 
  • An old friend and I are working on repairing our broken relationship because she reached out to me.  I really appreciate that.  
  • I feel loved and fortunate.

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