Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Right Now...

It's been far too long since I last blogged.  I have a million excuses but no excuse at all.  Mostly a major lack of motivation.  Here's a quick update about life in the past few weeks:
  • Flooring still not in.  Hasn't even been scheduled yet.  We're looking at mid-November. 
  • I finally reached a manager today at Home Depot after several days of unreturned phone calls and general run around. 
  • Kyle and I are really tired of living out of our bedroom since the entire upstairs is waiting on flooring and we can't have any furniture up there.  But this will make the finished project that much more enjoyable.
  • We had a snow storm that dumped about 8 inches of snow on Cheyenne in late September or early October.
  • Tonight we are under a Winter Storm Warning with the threat of 8 to 10 inches of snow.
  • I'm taking a memoir writing class in Ft. Collins and I have to come up with five life stories I want to write during the last half of the course.  
  • Had a rough withdrawal from a medication that was giving me very intolerable side effects. (More on that in another post). 
  • Struggling with the changes in season and the impact it has on my moods.
  • Missing the longer daylight.
  • Loving hot chocolate and soup in the crock pot during snowstorms.  
  • Bulbs in the ground to prepare for their spring emergence. 
  • Pip and Dobby are as ready for the house to be back in order as I am. 
  • Reading Wuthering Heights.  It's my favorite book this time of year.  Contemplating starting Frankenstein or Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde this weekend in time for Halloween. 
  • Congrats to my dad on his nice bull elk.
  • Feeling thankful for what I have, and maybe even for what I don't have. 
  • Determined to blog regularly, regardless of motivation. 

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