Friday, October 28, 2011

Dearest Lil' Pip...

My darling boy, 

What pleasure, joy and comfort you've brought to my life in the 18 months since we met.  From that first afternoon we spent holding one another, I began to experience a bond with you I'd never had before. 

I've had many pets over the years.  Growing up on the farm allowed me many opportunities for a wide variety of pets, but my mom was the one who was their main caretaker.  While I was at school, she was potty-training them, feeding and loving them.  I wasn't great at making attachments.  We moved a great deal, so people, places, and sadly, even pets came and went. 

YOU were different from the start.  Your adorable pug nose and soft brown eyes struck me immediately.  And those ears!  I wasn't sure if I was getting a chihuahua or a bat!  I saw about twenty chihuahuas before I first saw you, and you picked me the minute my heart leaped when I saw you.  

I have a couple of apologies to make to you.  First, for this costume.  Captain Jack was a popular Halloween costume pick among the other kids, so I thought you would enjoy it.  I guess I was wrong.
And it may be that you're just not as into Christmas as I am.

And maybe you're not into the Gap, and I get that, too...
I'll try to do better by you, but I can't make any promises.  We girls never really give up playing with dolls and dress up.  We had dolls and younger siblings to dress up when we were kids, and as adults we exchange Barbies for babies, and since you are my baby, I substitute sweaters for onesies and you get the short end of the stick.

I would also like to apologize for the disruption to your life that the introduction of your little brother Dobby has brought to your life.  But you two seem to be getting along just fine.  
I know deep down that it's best for you to have a companion when Daddy and I are away, but there's still some Mother's guilt at not being able to give you the time and attention that I could when there wasn't a pushy, needy sibling stealing your thunder.  The arrival of the second kid is an adjustment for everyone.  I miss our quiet afternoons together, but at least you have someone to race around the house with.   So maybe you will forgive me the minor inconveniences of our new life together. 

We will always have our special connection that I only feel for you.  You may only way three pounds, but you reside in a large portion of real estate within my heart.  

I have so many favorite memories of you already. 
Your first night in Denver.  You were quite content with the accommodations at The Curtis. 
Your first Superbowl.  Go Peyton! (Unfortunately, we lost).  But to the Saints, so it wasn't too traumatic.
Your way of curling up on my neck for your naps when you were a babe.
The way your little tongue would stick out when you slept.  Dobby's tongue sticks out too, but pretty much all the time, not just when he's asleep.
Seeing Daddy and you together melts my heart.  Daddy is half his size now, but he still seems giant in comparison to you.  However, he's just a teddy bear inside, especially when it comes to you.  You know what the word "daddy" means, and when I see his car pull up at the end of the day I say, "Daddy's home!" and you whimper and run to the door to greet him.  It's truly one of the delights of my life, and my happiest time of the day.  
Another quality you have - you are SO easy to transport.  

Most of all, you just really, truly, completely thrill me. I love you to pieces, wouldn't trade you for a million dollars, and would do anything for you.  Thank you, Pip, for being one of the most perfect gifts in my life. 

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