Friday, July 22, 2011

This is Me...(Stolen from BP Magazine pg. 12)...

Favorite words:  goblin, bubble, snit, discombobulated, serendipity, groovy, love, peace

Favorite fictional hero:  Pip (Great Expectations by Charles Dickens)

Quality I most admire: Compassion. 

Talent:  I was, at one time, a very decent trumpet player. 

Favorite beverage:  Diet Sunkist, extra chilled.

Biggest breakthrough:  Asking for help when I need it without feeling as if it's a weakness.

Thoughts on the battle:  Every crummy experience sets me up to enjoy the good  all the more.  

What I rely on:  A loving husband and forgiving chihuahuas.

One wish:  That people don't feel they have to hide who they are. 

Current state of mind:  Sense of possibility.

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