Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gotta Love Wyoming Weather...

I really do love this great state in which I live.  We get the full gamut of weather, from blizzards to tornadoes to a few 100 degree days each summer.  And while many of the extremes can be overwhelming and frustrating, I can't help but stand back and be in awe of Mother Nature.  She does create some inspiring shows! 

We were extremely lucky last night to not withstand the broken house and car windows from the hail that battered Cheyenne.  I was in awe of the marble to golf ball sized hail that fell, the tremendous downpour of rain and the astonishing claps of thunder. 

The hail was beautiful.  I wish my ice-maker on my fridge made ice this neato!

The watering can was our only half-casuality, aside from flowers.

My two favorite pieces of hail.

We got so much rain at the same time that the hail was floating in the yard.

This is where the hubby has been for four hours.  Raking, mowing and recuperating our yard. 

So my beautiful flowers that I showed last week are gone, but I know that soon there will be more.  And we will appreciate them all the more because they won't be taken for granted the way they so often are.  I really will take more time to stop and smell the flowers, because all too quickly in Wyoming it goes from this:

To this!

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