Thursday, February 3, 2011

I'm Tagging Myself...

I've been a bit ill for a couple of weeks and my little blog has been sadly neglected.  I am forcing myself to write today even though I have little motivation.  I thought I would ease back into blogging with a fun questionnaire stolen borrowed from Sue Sykes.  Usually how this works is someone tags you, but I'm tagging myself because I thought the questions were fun and a little more thought provoking than some I've seen.  

So here we go...

1. If you blog anonymously, are you happy doing it that way; if you are not anonymous, do you wish you had started out anonymously so you could be anonymous now?

I started this blog with the intention of being as authentic as possible.  I did not blog anonymously because the whole point was to emerge from my shell and come to terms with "the way I am".  I am not perfect.  I am not always at my best.  But I'm the me I'm supposed to be.

2. Describe one incident that shows your inner stubborn side.

My stubborn side emerges when my obsessive compulsive characteristics rear their ugly heads.  When I get set on something, I am hard to deter.  I want it a certain way, and I can't relax until I am satisfied that it's done "right". This has to be a very frustrating aspect to my character for those who live around me day to day.  

3. What do you see when you really look at yourself in the face in the mirror?

I see a lot of my mother in my face, but I have my father's eyes.  One eyelid is a bit lazy, just like my dad's and I have hazel/pale eyes like Dad.  I see a little sadness, a lot of wisdom, and hope in my eyes.  My skin is youthful and pale.  I love that I can see my collarbone.  When I was obese, I longed to have a collarbone.  It was a feminine feature I yearned for.  Now I relish seeing my collarbone, and the way the chain of my necklace rests on it. 

4. What is your favorite summer cold drink?

Diet Sunkist is always my first choice, but who can pass up an icy, sweet and tangy lemonade on a hot summer day?  Or even just a glass of ice water does nicely.

5. When you take time for yourself, what do you do?

Me time means quiet time.  I thrive on alone time.  I sometimes wish for companionship, but seldom do I require it.  I recharge my batteries with time to myself.  I write, read, play solitaire, needlepoint, and do other crafts to occupy myself.  I rarely, if ever, am bored. 

6. Is there something you still want to accomplish in your life? What is it?

So much to do, so little time!  I have accomplished very little of my 30 before 30 goals.  I have so many dreams - publication, reducing stigma of mental illness, learn to cook, lose the last 40 pounds, travel to oh, so many places! The list is endless.

7. When you attended school, were you the class clown, the class overachiever, the class shy person, or always ditching school? Describe who you were, if not one of these.

I was shy and, in my eyes, the "fat" one.  I never fit in very well, no matter where we went.  I was a fairly solitary creature.  I tried not to care that I wasn't like the other kids. I craved the approval of adults and especially my teachers I idolized.  I was often "teacher's pet".  I loved to study, to learn.  I wanted to grow up to be a writer and a teacher.  I adored academics but abhorred the social aspects of school.

8. If you close your eyes and want to visualize a very poignant moment in your life, what do you see?

My wedding day was sheer perfection.  I was surrounded by every important person from all aspects of my life.  I had teachers, professors, my parents, aunts, uncles, my brother, friends - everyone who helped make me who I am was there to share my happiness.  I was not a nervous bride.  I did not once question whether marriage was the right step.  In the core of my being I knew that I was the luckiest woman in the world to be marrying the man in front of me that day.  I could hardly wrap my mind around the pure happiness I felt.  Almost five years later, I still feel strongly that I met and married my "soul mate". 

9. Is it easy for you to share your true self in your blog or are you more comfortable writing posts about other people or events?

I'm never comfortable writing about myself.  Every time I hit "post" I have to take a deep breath and try not to wonder too much what people really think about me.  I have always loved reading and writing about other people.  I probably should be a biographer or help people write their memoirs.  I love hearing about the human experience. 

10. If you had the choice to sit and read or talk on the phone, which would you do and why?

Hands down, I would read.  I have always hated the phone. I hate answering it.  I hate picking it up to make a call.  I hate the ringing.  Phones get me worked up, where reading calms me down and brings me peace.  I can escape into a book in a matter of moments.  Sometimes I need the escape that a book brings, and I relish the vacation until the sound of a telephone brings me back to reality. 

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