Sunday, January 31, 2010

Lack of a Sense of Humor or Lack of Humor?

I am wondering tonight if I lack a sense of humor or whether television, in particular the Comedy channel, lacks humor. 

Kyle is often drawn to this channel, but I spend most of my time surfing the web and shaking my head in dismay at all the stupid stuff.  But then I wonder, do I just lack a sense of humor?  After all, I was in the 1.1% of humans that didn't really "get" the hangover.  Everyone vowed it was the funniest movie of all time!  And yes, I laughed a few times, but my "funniest movie of all time" meter was not chiming.  

I do laugh sometimes, though.  I even snort a little if I get really tickled.  Then I'm embarrassed and I try to stop laughing all-together which only makes me snort again!  

I am trying to think tonight what movies I would rate among funniest of all time.  Steve Carrell's Dan in Real Life is in the top ten.  Mystery Science Theater 3000 episodes are a favorite way of unwinding from a particularly wretched week.  And National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation with Chevy Chase will always be held in high esteem for its ability to capture my memories of family Christmases.  A recent favorite was Baby Mama which made me fall in love with Tina Fey.  The Doris Day/Rock Hudson combo always makes me laugh.  And of course, Amelie will always be my favorite romantic comedy.  

I realize as I write this, that despite the insane number of DVDs we own in this home, there are very few that make me laugh out loud.  It's not because none of them are funny.  I think I just fail to see the humor in most things.  I am drawn much more strongly to dramas.  I prefer stories of agonizing decisions, compelling strengths, and heart-wrenching situations.  It's not that I don't like to laugh, but it's more that I "get" drama, whereas it often escapes me as to why something is funny.  It's as if I can understand sadness and seriousness, and I can't quite grasp or see why or how some things are supposed to be funny.  

But sometimes, a person just needs to laugh, already!  So, leave me a comment with the title of your favorite funny film or sitcom, and I'll make a list to watch on days when I need some humor to lighten up life. 


  1. Hmmm. For TV, we like the usual "King of Queens," "According to Jim," "Everybody Loves Raymond." etc.

    As for movies, I would really have to think about this because I did love the Hangover. I am "one of those" people! LOL!

    Napoleon Dynamite always tickles me. For some reason "Just Married" with Ashton Kutcher and Brittany Murphy was funny to me, enough so that I bought it. And I LOVE "Nothin' To Lose" with Tim Robbins and Martin Lawrence...I was actually thinking of this movie earlier tonight too.

    And corny 80s flicks, early 90s such as "Three Amigos" and "Captain Ron" (Martin Short) are always great! Oh yeah....."What About Bob" and "The Man Who Knew Too Little" (Bill Murray).

    Just to name a few! Hehe! Let me know if you have seen any of them.

  2. I loved What About Bob - saw it at the theater when it originally came out. Captain Ron is hilarious, too. I absolutely ADORE Everybody Loves Raymond. The episode where Debra finds out her parents are getting divorced or having counseling where she drops the turkey on the floor is one of my favorites. And Robert and Amy's wedding. Napolean Dynamite was cute, too. Thanks for the other suggestions!
